Becky’s Plan for Polk

Pursue Diverse Economy

In the heart of Polk County lies the potential for an economic powerhouse. Diverse
economic growth stands as a pillar in Polk’s journey towards success and prosperity. Our vision is to attract high skill/high wage jobs, ensuring that our county doesn’t just grow, but thrives. A diverse economy isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a commitment to ensuring that every resident, regardless of their background or education, has the opportunity to achieve their American dream right here in Polk. By fostering an environment that welcomes a range of industries, we can provide stability against economic downturns and create a resilient, prosperous community.

A crucial component of this vision is collaboration with our local higher education institutions and public school leadership. It’s not enough to attract businesses; we must also cultivate a talent pipeline that meets their needs. By working hand-in-hand with educational leaders, we can ensure that our curriculum aligns with industry demands, preparing our students for the jobs of tomorrow. This synergy between education and industry will not only attract businesses but will also ensure that our residents and youth have promising career opportunities right here at home. Becky Troutman is committed to fostering these partnerships, ensuring that Polk County remains a hub of innovation and opportunity for generations to come.

With Becky Troutman’s leadership, we’ll work tirelessly to bring businesses that value our workforce and contribute positively to our county’s economy.

Plan for Polk’s Future

Polk County’s future is bright, but to ensure that it shines its brightest, we need a comprehensive plan that reflects our current and future needs. The guidelines from 1991 served their purpose, but it’s time to evolve. Becky Troutman understands this need intimately. With her unique experience and understanding of the comprehensive plan, she’s poised to lead the charge in updating our land use regulations. This isn’t just about growth; it’s about intentional, thoughtful, and sustainable growth. It’s about ensuring that as we grow, we do so in a way that benefits every resident, preserves our county’s character, and prepares us for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Preserve Resources

Our lands are not just plots of earth; they are the legacy we leave for future generations. Polk County is home to unique landscapes and ecosystems that deserve our protection. But preservation isn’t just about nature; it’s about ensuring we have water for our future, a resource more precious than gold. Under Becky Troutman’s leadership, we’ll identify lands that are integral to our county’s identity and work to protect them. Moreover, we’ll leverage our resources smartly, seeking partnerships that can amplify our preservation funds. When Polk County residents voted to tax themselves for preservation, they sent a clear message. Becky is here to ensure that message is acted upon.

Provide Safe Communities

Safety isn’t a luxury; it’s a right. Every resident of Polk County deserves to live in a community where they feel secure. Our commitment is to prioritize the needs of all our first responders, from law enforcement to firefighters and EMTs. Their dedication has brought us to a 51-year low in crime rates, a testament to their excellence. But excellence requires resources. Becky Troutman understands this deeply. Funding our safety services will remain a top priority, ensuring that our first responders have everything they need to keep us safe. Our community’s safety is a collective effort, and together, we can ensure Polk County remains a haven for its residents.

Furthermore, safe communities are magnets for economic growth. Businesses are more likely to invest and establish themselves in areas with low crime rates and a strong commitment to safety. As a result, these communities experience increased job opportunities and higher property values. This economic vitality, in turn, creates a positive cycle of development including social services, education and healthcare. Investing in and prioritizing in safe communities is not just morally right but also a strategic approach that helps Polk County to be a thriving and resilient place to call home!

Manage Infrastructure

Infrastructure is the backbone of any thriving community. From the roads we drive on to the utilities that power our homes, managing our infrastructure is paramount. Polk County faces challenges, especially concerning our roadways. Growth is inevitable; it’s a testament to the allure and potential of our county. However, as leaders, it’s our responsibility not to halt this growth but to manage it wisely. We must ensure that as our community expands, our infrastructure is prepared to support it without compromising on quality or safety.

Under Becky Troutman’s leadership, we’ll prioritize and fund our roadways, ensuring they meet the needs of our growing community. We’ll also ensure that our key infrastructure, from bridges to public buildings, is maintained and prepared for the future. Infrastructure isn’t just concrete and steel; it’s a commitment to the future, a promise that Polk County will always be ready for what comes next.

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With your support, we can continue to grow, improve, and preserve the county that we love and call home. Your campaign contribution is appreciated!

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